Manifestation for the German peace award from the city of Stuttgart for Julian Assange on 6th of
December in the Königstr. 11 (at the Kunstmuseum)!!! Therefore we need YOUR financial support !

The peace award 2020 from Germany/Stuttgart goes to Julian Assange! On 6th of December from 2 p.m. on,
the AnStifter ( together with the country-wide vigils ( and
the 'Free Assange Committee Germany' ( will stage a rally with invited guests,
which will be live streamed into the internet.

Julians live clock ticks - on 4th of January 20021, judgement will be made over his detention by a biased and
influenced judge and based on a show trial (175 years imprisonment in the U.S.A. = death). It's about
everything - Julians life is at stake!"

The rally is supported amongst others by the following groups and institutions:
Deutsche Journalistinnen und Journalisten Union, Kultur des Friedens, Pax Christi, #AnythingToSay?,
EcoLeaks (more to come!).

We will ensure to have a large and medial publicity during the event. More and more requested organisations
has already verbally confirmed their support (and as soon as we have their written confirmation, we will also
add them to the above list).

The collected money is needed for the following things: mostly for the organizer of the online-event (incl.
camermen and a big screen), the rest for public relations like placards/posters, newspaper advertising, flyer
and travel expenses for non-resident artists, musicians etc.

Julian can only be saved by a vigilantly civil society, that is: we all!

On 4th of January, a court in London will decide, if Julian will be extradited to the U.S.A., where he faces 175
years of imprisonment for the publication of war crimes, commited by the U.S.A. This is equal to his death.

Since years now, Julian is massively tortured by his isolation and illegal confinement (since 11th of April
2019 mostly for 23 hours a day in solitary confinement, he gets not even a radio - during the trial continious
strip search until complete nudity and even daily x-ray!).

The UN special rapporteur on torture, Prof. Nils Melzer, reports that the 4 states U.S.A., Great Britain,
Sweden and Australia commited an aimed smear campaign on Julian Assange, to collectively decompose his
personal integrity and to socially isolate him: see interview with 'Deutsche Welle' (

Only a massive publicity can currently save Julians life! Please help us, to save his life! Now! Thank you!!!